Please note that all shipments outside the United States may be subject to Import Duty / Tax / VAT which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. These additional charges for customs clearance must be paid by the recipient of the parcel, as we have no control over these fees and cannot predict what they may be.
When ordering from FacePaint you agree to pay any Import Duty / Tax / VAT which may be imposed by your country's government. If you refuse a shipment or ignore requests from carriers regarding duty and/or tax liability charges note that you will remain liable for the purchase price of the product/s and any Import Duty / Tax / VAT or penalty imposed by your government. Most carriers will hold a shipment for 5 days after arrival in your country before they return it to the sender. We do not refund original shipping charges for goods that are refused for delivery at customs. Customs policies vary widely from country to country and customs duties are not always applied. Therefore we ask that you contact your local customs/import/mail departments for rates before you place an order to avoid any surprises.
When ordering from FacePaint you agree to pay any Import Duty / Tax / VAT which may be imposed by your country's government. If you refuse a shipment or ignore requests from carriers regarding duty and/or tax liability charges note that you will remain liable for the purchase price of the product/s and any Import Duty / Tax / VAT or penalty imposed by your government. Most carriers will hold a shipment for 5 days after arrival in your country before they return it to the sender. We do not refund original shipping charges for goods that are refused for delivery at customs. Customs policies vary widely from country to country and customs duties are not always applied. Therefore we ask that you contact your local customs/import/mail departments for rates before you place an order to avoid any surprises.